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File List | 1995-04-27 | 8.9 KB | 180 lines |
- 1MLKD11.ZIP The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Etext
- Anthology Memorial A Project Gutenberg Public
- Domain Etext January, 1995 [Etext #206].
- ADS17.ZIP The User Friendly Advertiser
- An electronic ad magazine circulated to over
- 1,000,000 computer users!
- AN02VA95.ZIP 02/01/95 ArtNet News Special Edition VISUAL
- ARTS. List of opportunities and competitions
- from around the world open to U.S.A. artists
- ANIDE10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- ANIDL10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero [in Latin]
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- ASPRN10.ZIP The Aspern Papers, by Henry James A Project
- Gutenberg Public Domain Etext February, 1995
- [etext #211].
- BBS_PR18.ZIP The Computer Bulletin Board Guide to
- Public Relations ver 1.8.
- The competition for callers is heating
- up. You need an aggressive marketing
- campaign.
- Here's a handy guide to help you conduct
- your own Public Relations effort.
- Issues discussed include News Release,
- Market Research, and Crisis Management.
- Also useful for others in need of a
- marketing primer.
- BUCOE10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- BUCOL10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero [in Latin]
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- CCERO10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero [in Latin]
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- CHILC10.ZIP Child Christopher, by William Morris A
- Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext March,
- 1995 [Etext #234].
- COM3A.ZIP CoMiNG∙SooN∙MaGaZiNe volume 1 number 3 1/3
- COM3B.ZIP CoMiNG∙SooN∙MaGaZiNe volume 1 number 3 2/3
- COM3C.ZIP CoMiNG∙SooN∙MaGaZiNe volume 1 number 3 3/3
- If you're tired of the long, arduous commute
- to work day in and day out, you may want to
- consider shortening it by working from home.
- In this electronic book, you'll find several
- useful ideas for getting started, plus some
- strategies to help you hold onto as much of
- what you'll earn as possible. Updated 4/95.
- DRNMY10.ZIP Dear Enemy by Jean Webster
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #238]
- make "electronic" books or magazines, such as
- tutorials, training manuals, or even works of
- literature. Also .EXE from ASCII .txts
- Phil Inch. Biggest issue yet. Introduction to
- assembler programming, how to program the
- mouse, how to play MOD and WAV files, using 4
- pages in mode 13h, how to do starfields, MORE
- GEORE10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- GEORL10.ZIP Selected Orations of Cicero [in Latin]
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- March, 1995 [Etext #226]
- HDARK11.ZIP Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad A Project
- Gutenberg Public Domain Etext February, 1995
- [etext #219].
- IMMORTAL.ZIP IMMORTALITY! is a virtual (electronic) book
- that refutes the fiction of our ridiculously
- finite life-span and which signposts the way
- to an entirely achievable, personal and
- practical immortality!
- By Jim Travallian/ Store Point Software.
- that explores the earliest history and
- myths of Japan. In-depth discussion
- focuses upon the origin and career of
- the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu, female
- emperors and the incredible female
- shamans. See read1st.txt.
- JNGLB10.ZIP The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling A Project
- Gutenberg Public Domain Etext March, 1995
- [Etext #236].
- MAX01.ZIP TO THE MAX. Issue 1.
- Political Correctness, Illiteracy
- Online, @$%!*-up of the Month Award, and a
- one-fingered salute to DOOMheads.
- MOONA10.ZIP Moon and Sixpence, by Somerset Maugham
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- February, 1995 [Etext #222]
- MS_SCHUL.ZIP Microsoft & Schulman on his Windows 95 book
- NBP21.ZIP NeoBook Professional: authoring system for
- multimedia disk-based newsletters, books,
- catalogs, etc. Links to word processors
- paint programs. Graphics/sound enabled.
- animation files. Requires: DOS 3.1+;
- HERC/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech
- compatible mouse; hard disk; & 640K+ RAM.
- PBLUE10.ZIP A Pair of Blue Eyes, by Thomas Hardy A
- Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext March,
- 1995 [Etext #224].
- PHONES3.ZIP THE PHONE DISK, by Adam Starchild: Long
- distance reselling is a new industry that
- can create both immediate income as well as
- a lifetime residual income, but you have to
- enter the field with caution. It is a 60
- billion dollar per year industry, with over
- 20 million business customers and 95 million
- households as a potential market.
- RHOLM11B.ZIP The Return of Sherlock Holmes
- by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Magazine Edition
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- February, 1995 [Etext #221B]
- SCARR10.ZIP Sister Carrie, by Theodore Dreiser A Project
- Gutenberg Public Domain Etext March, 1995
- [etext #233].
- SHKSPR1.ZIP Complete Shakespeare split into four ascii
- text files each less than 1.4M. 1st file has
- index by line of each Play, etc. Recommend
- reading them with DOS text editor such as
- list91b.zip (free download on Channel 1)
- SHKSPR2.ZIP As above.
- SHKSPR3.ZIP As above.
- SHKSPR4.ZIP As above.
- SILLY.ZIP SILLY POEMS and SUCH! v1.5 is an exciting
- story book with many animation hot spots.
- (VGA Shareware version.) A Sound Blaster
- is recommended to hear the .voc Without
- one much of the story will be missed.
- SONSA10.ZIP Sons and Lovers by David Herbert Lawrence
- [D. H. Lawrence]
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- February, 1995 [Etext #217]
- SSHAR11.ZIP The Secret Sharer, by Joseph Conrad A Project
- Gutenberg Public Domain Etext February, 1995
- [etext #220].
- ST1103.ZIP 01/20/95 STR 1103 "The Original Independent"
- ST1104.ZIP 01/27/95 STR 1104 "The Original Independent"
- ST1113.ZIP 03/31/95 STR 1113 "The Original * Independen
- Reviews/reports NavCIS 1.6 NetScape&adobe
- TAOTE10.ZIP Tao Teh King, by Lao-Tze A Project Gutenberg
- Public Domain Etext February, 1995 [Etext
- #216].
- TRAVFRE3.ZIP TRAVEL FREE, by Adam Starchild. Is free
- travel possible? Can you fly off to London at
- a moment's notice, take tea, see a show, and
- go on a shopping spree at Harrod's-- while
- someone else picks up the tab? In a word,
- yes. People-- just like you-- do it every
- day. In fact, you may even be able to profit
- from your next trip. The obvious question,
- then, is how? Learn the answer in this highly
- interesting electronic book. Updated 4/95.
- WALDN10.ZIP Walden, by Henry David Thoreau
- A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
- January, 1995 [Etext #205]
- WIFRB10.ZIP The Wisdom of Father Brown by G. K.
- Chesterton A Project Gutenberg Public Domain
- Etext February, 1995 Etext #223
- WMGIB10.ZIP William Gibson Interview by Giuseppe Salza
- http: /www.sct.fr/cyber/gibson.html A Project
- Gutenberg Copyrighted Etext March, 1995
- [Etext #118].
- WORLDINT.ZIP Interactive interface for the CIA World
- Factbook, as released by Project Gutenberg
- Free for private use. (c) 1994 Sam Leventer
- Does not include the Factbook, available as
- WORLD94.xxx (Gutenberg EText #180)